30 October, 2006
25 October, 2006
23 October, 2006
20 October, 2006
19 October, 2006
18 October, 2006
17 October, 2006
10 October, 2006
07 October, 2006
05 October, 2006
Words 2
"We may see their character, too, in their very jests. For they did not throw them out at random, but the very wit of them was grounded upon something or other worth thinking about. For instance, one, being asked to go hear a man who exactly counterfeited the voice of a nightingale, answered, "Sir, I have heard the nightingale itself." Another, having read the following inscription upon a tomb-
"Seeking to quench a cruel tyranny, They, at Selinus, did in battle die,"
said, it served them right; for instead of trying to quench the tyranny, they should have let it burn out."
Plutarch again, Dryden translation.